The Three Month Vacation Podcast

Many coaches and trainers struggle to get precise results for their clients

And it's not for want of trying, either. They work very hard, probably too hard, and yet the clients don't get the results they seek.

The question is: how we go from mediocrity to excellence?
Find out the guidelines to becoming a good coach.

Direct download: 255_-_How_to_Be_a_Good_Coach.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm NZDT

Is there a fun way to get unstuck? From all the experiences we've had so far, getting stuck is a real pain. The more we try to get unstuck, the more we seem to dig a deeper hole. But what if there were a few fun ways to get unstuck? And what if they were quite different from what you've tried so far? Let's have a look.

Direct download: 254_-_How_to_Get_Unstuck_by_Playing_Devils_Advocate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm NZDT

Why are some sales pages so confusing?

Is it because of the message or rather because there are way too many messages hitting you all at once? A sales page needs a powerful message to get the client not just interested, but to keep reading. And yet sales pages often miss that goal.

But there's a way to start the sales page from getting off to a false start. And it's called “isolating the problem”. But how do we go about this isolation process?

Let's find out. shall we?
Click here to read: Why The Top-Half Of The Sales Page Goes Wrong (And How To Fix It)

Direct download: 253_-_Sales_Page_Isolation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm NZDT

As writers, we count words when we are creating a book or writing an article.

We look at completing a fixed number of words per day—800 words. And yet, that system can be counterproductive to finishing your article. Professional writers seem to follow another method, one that ignores the output and instead focuses on the article writing process. How do they do it? And what have we been doing incorrectly?

Let's find out how to fix this problem and finish our articles.

Click here to read: Why Writing 800 Words Every Day Could Be Hindering Your Article Writing Progress

Direct download: 252_-_Process_vs_Output.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm NZDT